whenever you are not brushing you want to be keeping your hair laid down with compression like du-rags and stocking caps. wear compression until your hair is completely laid down is best. The amount of time you wear it and amount of compression used depends on the length of your hair/ wolf. For example, if you are at a low haircut you don't need many layers of compression because their is not much hair to compress. As your hair grows you will need to double or triple the amount of compression you use and amount of time you keep it on. That's why on low and fresh cuts you should brush more because you don't have to worry about compression much. When you are wolfing, focus on being consistent with your brushing routine and compress more to make sure the hair is managed. When you go to bed, make sure compression is on because that is actually the best time to compress. The reason why you need to wear du-rags is to keep everything in place, save progress and keep away from frizz. If you lay your head down without compression your waves will more than likely be out of place, losing progress and frizzy. To get better waves brush your hair a lot but make sure to wear compression.
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