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a clean slate.

washing your hair is important because it gives you a clean slate of hair to work with. Using natural products, keeps you from having to wash your hair much but just because it’s natural doesn’t mean you won’t have to wash your hair. No matter what, at some point you will need to wash your hair. By keeping your hair clean it helps to refresh your waves making it easier to maintain until your next wash…brushing ain’t enough. You have to take care of your hair as well. The shampoos I prefer are sulfate free and natural because I want shampoos that don’t strip natural benefits from my hair. But I also would recommend trying different shampoos because many shampoos serve different purposes for different hair textures. When washing waves, you want to: 

1. wet your waves with cold water then apply/lather shampoo wtg. (including crown isolation)

2. comb wtg, then scramble/comb atg, then comb back wtg again. (including crown-combing isolation)

3. 1st Lather: add/lather more shampoo if needed then brush your hair wtg. (including crown-brushing isolation)

4. rinse hair with warm to hot water…2nd Lather: then apply shampoo again for better lather than the first step. (including crown isolation)

5. brush your hair wtg again. (including crown-brushing isolation) 

6. if needed add/lather extra shampoo, keep your waves damp with water throughout the wash n styling process to prevent over curl and frizz to make a better overall wash n style session. (including crown-brushing isolation)

7. plastic bag, then rag up. (including crown isolation)

8. while du-rag and compression is on/ragged up rinse hair with cold water. 

9. lastly, wait for the hair and waves to completely dry before un-ragging. 

Shea Moisture Deep Moisturizing Shampoo:

Local department store like Walmart



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