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Natural v. Unnatural Products

When I first began my wave journey in 2015 the topic of using Natural v. Unnatural products had been a major topic. . "Unnatural" products are products that contain ingredients with chemicals. An example of an unnatural product that is used in the 360 wave game is Murray's Pomade. Murray's Pomade is a staple in the wave game and a product that I used in my early in stages of getting waves. It is usually used to help train the hair to lay down and a start into beginning the journey of getting waves. One of the reasons Murray's is unnatural though is because it contains petroleum. I will let you research what petroleum is for hair on your own. But the reason why Murray's is unnatural is because it contains petroleum.

Though, unnatural products are not the best, they still stood the test of times for a reason. Murray's Pomade is still on shelves today and are still being sold. After a few reviews on Murray's ,unnatural and natural products around 2015 and 2016 I began to start using natural products. Between that time, I switched to all natural products only I stopped using unnatural products. I started to use products such as Shea Moisture, As I Am Double Butter Cream, Sweet Jamila, Cold Label, etc. Natural products are natural because they contain natural hair ingredients that benefit the hair and scalp. Natural products don't contain petroleum and other unnatural products such as SULFATES. I will also allow you to research on sulfates. Natural products contain natural hair oils, butters, etc.

A few days ago, I purchased Murray's Pomade again just to try it out. I had not used Murrays in I believe 7 years from this year. I used it on my crown area just to help define that area as I am trying to improve that area. When I used the Murray's Pomade it did not feel bad at all I felt like it was what I needed. If you looked at pure results it would stand toe to toe with any Natural product. Still, I honestly prefer to use natural products. Though more expensive, they pack more benefits than a unnatural product for waves so you get quality over quantity . Though you still have to wash your hair I still feel natural products have less build up in your hair than unnatural products have so that you do not NEED to wash your hair as much. Though any shampoo can wash and clean your hair I still prefer to use a Natural Sulfate-Free shampoo over an unnatural shampoo. Its all about trial and error and seeing what works best for you. I recommend from time to time you use both and see for yourself what works best for you. Also, don't switch up so much anything you use you have to give it time. I spent months maybe 2-3 months in my beginning stages of getting waves until I found out about natural products and started using it. Maybe you'll make your decisions early but don't say something doesn't work because I said it, someone else said it or because you used it one or two times you have to give things time. Know because you know.

Products in Image:

Sweet Jamila:

Murrays Pomade:

Local department stores


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