Hair texture is broken down into 3 types coarse, curly and straight. Each texture has different good and bad. Learning your texture will help with using different products and finding what works best for you. Coarse hair is usually smaller waves because the hair texture/curls are tighter. The curly hair texture is sometimes known as the medium texture because it's looser. The straight hair texture is wider. The curls, coils or lack thereof in each hair texture makes each hair texture unique. It doesn't take long to see what texture you are. It takes maybe about a couple days or weeks if you're just starting your wave journey. But to learn your texture is important and it takes more time. It will also save you time once you understand what you can do with what you have instead of trying to do everything. Do what works for you and continue to learn new things about your hair texture.
3 Ways to Learn Hair Texture.
I. Taking Pictures of your Hair/Waves if your waves are coarse your waves are smaller, if your waves are curly they are looser and wider, and if your hair is straight your waves are really wide and looser.
II. Comparing the pictures to other wavers. Their plenty of wavers that have textures that are similar to you but their others that are different. You can learn from both but I recommend you find the wavers whose texture are closest to yours and learn from them.
III. Trying Different Methods and seeing what works. By trying methods it gives you time to see how your hair response to different products and things. It can help determine what products best fits your texture.