finding what works best for you is a process. We have to take time to figure out things in order to understand what we are doing better. Recently, I have been interested in understanding pomades. Why are they used? Why do some not use or prefer not to use it? Are they overrated? Pomade is used a lot for its benefits of hold, shine, and the slick appearance it can give when you style with it. Pomades are very popular with waves. A great pomade will help deliver firmness and shine to the hair. Waves/ 360 Waves are laid down curls created by brushing and training your hair to lay down in a certain way instead of allowing your hair to curl upwards. Though no product will give you waves it can assist in the process of finding what works best for you. I suggest you try different products out from time to time like butters, moisturizers, oils, and pomades etc. I recommend you try more than the basics to step your wave game up to another level. Brushing your hair with a wave brush and using a du-rag to compress the hair are cool and are the basic 2 necessities needed to achieve waves. But in order to get the most out of our wave journey try different products and see what work best for you. What product or products are you currently using?
Since I'm using pomades I will link 2 pomades you can use for waves that I have used somewhere down the line. I prefer natural products and that's usually all I put in my hair now is natural products but if you are a beginner and you want to step your foot in the water before diving in the ocean you may want to start with a unnatural pomade. But rather you use natural or unnatural pomades pomades will best assist with hold, firmness, slickness and shine to waves and hair. They are definitely more firmer than a butter, moisturizer, or oil.
Natural Pomade:
Unnatural Pomade:
Murray’s Pomade
Can be purchased at many local department stores if not purchase online