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1,2,3 or 4? What You Got Now or Had Before?

1. Pattern Waves (180, 360, 540, 720)-

This is what I am currently on right now this year but I first started getting 360 waves in 2015 of March. I had 360 waves from early 2015 until late 2018 before I changed to a fro. Patterned Waves takes patience and time to achieve with connections and deepness. You have to brush, comb and compress a lot more than you would have had to do with normal 180 waves.

2. Curly Taper Fro-

I tried this style in mid December of 2018. I had been waving for the longest but I kept wanting to try this look. Growing your hair out and achieving this style is easier than waves but it stills requires patience and time to let your hair grow. You do not have to spend hours in the mirror brushing or worry about angles. It feels more free. Hair growth can be the growing pain in achieving this look but it can be nice if your hair grows thick. You need your hair to get thick also get you a soft brush or better yet a curl sponge to get the curls to pop. A good curl product and water will be good too.

3. Curly High Top Fade-

I have never had this one but its nice. The only difference between this cut and #2 is that #3 is a fade and #2 is a taper. Depending on how long I stay on my wave journey this might be what I try next one day.

4. Low Drop Bald Fade-

before getting 360 waves I used to have get this cut throughout middle school and high school. So, I would get waves on top but not the full 360. Fades are dope but I have not had this since I was younger. I mainly get tapers now.

What Number You Got Currently or Had Before?

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