Fade- is the bottom of the haircut usually using no guard to fade into the blend.
Blend- is the top of the fade usually using the guards to blend into the fade.
The thinner the hair the easier to fade.
A fade has to blend. To get an overall fade a blend must be present.
The definition of fade is gradually grown faint and disappears. So the fade is actually located at the bottom meaning its away from or disappearing from sight through a gradual process.
Think of it as not just steps but an actual living fade. Like art, make the art lively make it come alive. You make a fade come alive by blending.
The definition of blend is to mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together. So the blend is when guards come into play. You are combining different levels to blend into a haircut. When you use the guards to de bulk the hair the goal is to make it easier to fade. When using the guards you are using it to thin the hair so that the thickness of the hair on top/ majority of the hair(cut) blends into the fade.
Key thing to remember is whenever you put the guard on the clipper while fading you is trying to create a blend. The fade is the actual disappearing effect/ grown faint effect of the fade.
You blend towards the top and fade into the bottom. You don’t fade the crown or the apex of the head? You fade towards the bottom and sides (tapers) and blend the hair to the fade.
Blend- merge (a color) with another so that one is not clearly distinguishable from the other.
Fade- gradually become thin and lose intensity.
The fade is the bottom the key to making the fade is the blend. Ex: Bald Fade, Taper fade is the overall hair cut its not a Bald Blend or Taper Blend. Blending is the action of the fade the fade is really the noun or what it is.
Fade- you fade when taking it away.
Blend- you blend when setting it in.
Whatever you set it in with you usually have to take it out with it to fade it.
The higher you go the more you blend the lower you go the more you fade.