My Fading/ Taper Technique Step by Step with Oster Fast Feeds w/ single magnetic guards
Lever Closed- set 1st/ bald guideline.
Bald it- below the 1st guideline use a shaver such as Andis shaver to bald out the area below the 1st guideline don't go over the line.
Lever Open- set a 2nd guideline same way as the bald guideline a 1/2 -1 inch above the 1st guideline.
Fade w/ Lever Closed, then lever halfway, then lever open- to fade the 1st guideline flick out the bald line with the lever closed using primarily the corner of the blade flicking in small and precise flicks with lever closed first until the line is gone. Then open the lever on the clipper halfway to give yourself more room to flick and to detail the fade. Lastly use the lever open to flick out more without worrying about taking too much off. Using this technique in this step keeps you from pushing the fade up, gives your more space to flick out as your change the lever and keeps the fade balance.
#1 guard open- set a 3rd guideline ½-1 inch above the 2nd guideline not a harsh guideline. Basically used as a debulking guideline to soften up the fade.
#1 guard closed- flick at the 2nd guideline starting below the line then flicking out to soften up the line before using the lever open in the next step to completely erase the line.
Blend w/ Lever open- flick out the 2nd guideline completely starting below the guideline and flicking out using primarily the corner of the blade to completely erase the 2nd guideline and to blend it in.
#2 guard open- flick out the 3rd guideline by debulking going straight up with the clippers or using the C cup motion then go with the grain with clippers.
#2 guard closed, #1 guard open, #1 guard closed- to detail go with the grain to debulk. Use each guard at the places where they were used.
Lever open- detail primarily using the corner of the blade and use it carefully to perfect the fade plus to knock out any lines of demarcation visible.
The fade should be complete after following the steps. This is how I am practicing to fade on myself and others currently. I'm trying this technique based on videos I have watched and learn from combining them into my own unique style of doing a fade. A key thing to remember is to set guidelines and then fade and detail to perfect the fade.